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Overhead filter presses* superior design ensures higher safety.Overhead filter presses present a triangle sharped Force distributioninstead of the conventional linearDistribution. This design procidesstronger and safer frame Constructions capable of holding up to 175plates of 2000 mm X 2000mm. * mechanisms simplification: lessMateinance. The overhead filter press has a more simple plateTransportmechanism. It is housed between the Overhead I-shaped beams. Thischaracteristic has The following advantages: + longer life of thetransport mechanism with less Maintanance. + installation of one soletransport mechanisms Which avoids synchornization problems. + placementof all transport mechanisms in the Cleanest area of the filter press,avoiding Contamination and interferance with the product. * inspectionfacility and discharge Improvements. The overhead filter press allowsthe following Improvements: + easier inspection, better cake dischargeand Easier overall maintenance. + reduction of cake residue on theframes of the Plate leading eliminating leakage. * easier access whenchanging filter Cloths. The overhead filter press allows completeall-roundAccess to the entire plates and filter clothsSurfaces,offering the following advantages: + no need to retrieve or disassemblethe plate from The filter press. + no requirements for an overheadcrane or further Auxiliary devices. + no need to have a second platepack for time Saving purposes. + a quicker filter cloth changingprocess. + operation can be carried out with only one Operator.Automatic plate transport: peh and pseh systemsThe pseh automatic platetransport system is based on a cable with carriage with two waymovements. The plate are transported one by one within the dischargearea. On one side of press the drive is placed with the correspondingmotor-reductorConnected to the cable transmission shaft and linkedBy aclutch by means of an elastic coupling. * individul and consecutiveplate transport system. * excellent discharge control and cakeinspection. * plate transport mechanism reduction with minimumMaintenance requirements. * pseh-sl and peh-sl models are availablewith Sidebars on higher level. The peh automatic plate transport systemis based On a double chain system with transport hooks that slide overthe plate