Product Main


The S-Series machine provides an intelligent alternative for the cost minded die fabricator. Paired with the C15B Basic control system, this unit gives new meaning to affordable automation with reliability.

S 320A //

☆ Table dimensions: 600 x 300 mm
☆ Max. workpiece dimensions: 600 x 300 x 200 mm
☆ Max. workpiece weight: 300 kgs
☆ X, Y, Z, axis stroke: 300 x 200 x 200 mm
☆ Machine tool weight: 1100 kgs

Machine Tool Feature //

★ Laser calibration ±3μm/300mm
★ Heidenhain 1μm optical linear scales
★ 4 axis simultaneous machining with optional C axis
★ Digital switching power supply with Super Low Wear
★ Fuzzy adaptive optimizer improve efficiency and safety.
★ Turbo roughing circuit 2~3 times speed
★ Provided Ra 0.2μm CW-Co machining circuit
★ High speed machining circuit improves 30% efficiency without increasing electrode wear ratio