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* Delivery FOB, CIF or CFR. We can serve any country, any destination and all quantity.

* The minimum order is of 500 MT or only one container (Export Test).

* We need to know the amount you need, the way of delivery, your payment method and its estimated purchase price (Target price for FOB) without the freight (in FOB).

* We calculate the freight to your country (in case of CIF or CFR) after confirming the order.

* We calculate the shipping and insurance of your quote and provide to you a final price.

* We ask for your purchase price to avoid losing time with resellers and non-professional. Any company that engages in this area knows first hand what are the prices at source and FOB.

* We can send the pictures of the work load at the port and of timber, along with our corporate dossier and the specifications of the rails of quebracho.

* The specifications of the riels of quebracho are in Spanish.