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User features

Single, rugged unit is personal GPS location device and standard remote speaker microphone.

 Works with virtually any two-way radio system, conventional or trunked system 

 VHF/UHF frequency range, can be used with both vehicles and handheld radios 

 On-board memory stores up to 1,400 location reports for easy download and archiving using a wired connection to the GPSMIC or over-the-air reporting 

 Six position reporting mode options (over-the-air re-programmable)

Polling mode: reports location when requested by base station

PTT mode: reports location when presses/releases the PTT switch

Fixed time mode: reports location automatically at set intervals 

 Relative distance mode: reports location whenever the user moves more then a set distance from the last reported position

Geofence mode: reports location and sends alert whenever user moves more than a set distance from specific defined location 

 Emergency mode: series of alerts and location reports are sent at regular intervals once the user presses the panic/emergency button on the microphone

 Location reporting system features

Transmits GPS location and other information as data over an existing non-compressed voice radio channel, dedicated data channel is not needed

Operates standalone or can be integrated into an existing AVL system, simple application Programming interface (API) allows GPSMIC system with third party mapping and dispatch software packages

Fully configurable and controllable using GPSMIC tools software suite, most operating parameters are programmable for the system, defined groups or individual subscribers. 

 Extensive over-the-air, on-the-fly capabilities maximize flexibility 

 Processes both NMEA 2.0 GGA and RMC standard messages for enhanced location and orientation 

 Firmware-upgradeable to enable additional features and functionality revisions