Pile-driver installation is mobile and can quickly serve the dispersed building objects. At moving from object on object pile-driver installation develops in transport position without dismantling, removals of a hammer and application of load-lifting mechanisms that provides journey to any objects of building in a short space of time and without the coordination of a route with traffic police.
The chassis of the raised passableness perfectly solves a moving problem on building sites.
Type of base car – Kamaz 53228
The maximum length hammered piles, m – 12
Weight of a hammered pile, kg, no more – 3750
Working inclinations of a mast, degree, no more
forward – 12 degree (1:4)
backwards - 12 degree (1:4)
Weight of a hinged part (without the base car and dipper), t – 11,5
Except this positions our company can offer you the range of following products:
caterpillar-mounted pile engine
wheeled – mounted pile engine
universal hydrauliс car
diesel pile-driving-in hammer tubular
diesel pile-driving-in hammer rod