Steel fencing posts are used to support fences and are available in a variety of sizes and shapes. For permanent fencing, you should select metal fence posts rather than wooden ones. We developed a new kind of steel fence post, peach post,(electric galvanizing, hot-dipp galvanizing and PVC spraying),T-shaped post, Y-shaped post(dip in the painting ,hot-dipped galvanizing then PVC spraying).
specification of T-post:
0.83lb/ft ,0.85lb/ft ,0.95lb/ft ,1.25lb/ft ,1.33lb/ft
The length can be customied.
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Step-In Post:
Clips hold electric fence wire or polytape up to 2" wide;
A certain number of clips hold wire or polytape at a variety of heights;
Lightweight post is ideal for use in temporary fencing;
Large step-in flange for easy insertion into the ground;
Anti-rotation point molded into step-in flange keeps post aligned;
Heavy-duty steel spike for long life and stability.
We commonly provide metal fence posts in lengths varying from 5 to 8 feet in 6-inch increments. Steel posts normally cost more than wooden posts and can be bent or forced out of line by livestock crowding. Wooden anchor posts placed every 50 to 75 feet are sometimes used to provide added bending resistance for steel line posts.