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                                                          Odontochile Trilobites
                                          DEVONIAN PERIOD: 395 - 345 million years ago
  The Odontochile species trilobites are of a graceful and beautiful design. With their long genal spines and streamlined pygidium terminating in a fine point, it can easily be seen why trilobites have been called "the butterflies of the ancient seas". The Odontochile hausmani species is the type without the scattered blunt and tiny spines of the Odontochile spinifera.
Some very important and desirable features to point out regarding the trilobite itself: the famous large eyes are present with fine compound eye detail, pygidial spine is completely exposed and 100% genuine, no restoration anywhere on the trilobite. Unlike many others sold, this is not a composite creature of a couple of parts put together from multiple trilobites; the creature is complete and original.
If you want to boast of having one of the most impressive Odontochile trilobite examples on the block, then it will be hard to find a more fascinating and beautiful specimen as this. A masterpiece!
       13.5 cm long by 12 cm wide with original matrix, Odontochile 9 cm in length

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