Product Main


APCELL is purified ALPHA CELLULOSE. It is white to off white, odorless, tasteless, and free from organic and inorganic contaminators. It is insoluble in water, dilute acids, and in mostly all organic solvents. Practically insoluble in Sodium Hydroxide solution. APCELL, which has now become a synonymous name in Welding rod, Enzymes and Filter aid Industries, is a must for quality as well as quantity products. 
Application: -In casting material of welding electrodes APCELL is used in considerable quantities. High cellulose content ensures correct burning of electrodes. APCELL is a inert material and it leaves practically nothing after incineration and provides reduced atmosphere due to decomposition of organic material present in APCELL thus it prevents oxidation. Resultant welding will be free from pinholes, cracks etc. APCELL having wonderful free flawless helps in smooth extrusion of electrode without any cracks on its surface. APCELL, which has now become a synonymous name in Electrode world, is a must for all of grades of quality electrodes.
a.      APCELL Grade HYD 005
b.      APCELL Grade HYD 007
c.       APCELL Grade ST 003
d.      APCELL Grade ST 005
e.      SUPERCEL