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D-Dimer Kit 

Quantitative determination of D-Dimer assay
Quantitative determinations of D-Dimer assay adopt latex strengthened immunological measurements. Adding the latex particles suspension marked anti D-Dimer monoclonal antibody to plasma. If D-Dimer increases in plasma, it will be combined with monoclonal antibody, at the same time latex particles agglutinate. Assay the OD value of turbidity with immunological measurement, and then calculate D-dimer thickness in the sample according to the standard curve.
Clinical application
D-Dimer quantitative determination is used to determine thrombophilia disease and monitoring thrombolytic therapy. D-Dimer in the plasma reflects the activation of the fibrinolysis system, which is a important index to determine deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, disseminated intravascular coagulation, pregnancy complications, thrombolytic therapy, tumor presence and myocardial Infarction risk.
It has a 2 year shelf life when stored at 2-8℃