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It is a known fact that a fertilizer MUST contain all micronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and sulfur), as well as microelements in small quantities (boron, manganese, copper, zinc and iron). The fact is also that the NPK chemical fertilizer that has been applied so far has got adequate consistence composition, but the composition is not the same as the effect and the results. When mineral fertilizers are used, the irrigation and the rains wash away all nutrients that are essential for the plants into the ground waters, so that the maximum usability of these fertilizers ranges between 20 - 30%, and their effect lasts for only a year. After their use the plant is in condition in its third year. The chemical fertilizer will stimulate good plant crops, but the chemical composition of the fruit will be threatened beyond recovery, so that the plant will be depleted and its immune system will be damaged. NPK chemical fertilizer is the easiest, but the most destructive solution that has no justification in the long run and is proven to be dangerous for the crops. By using humus that remains in the soil as long as two years (chemical fertilizer nourishes only the plant, humus provides nourishment to both the plant and the soil), as the most quality natural bio-fertilizer the crop productivity is proven to be larger, the plant is in condition already after the second year, it has healthier and much richer well-branched roots, a larger number of leaves, a fuller canopy, it is 30% higher; humus affects forming of fruits directly, and its usability ranges between 90 – 100%. It must be emphasized that only with humus overdosing has never been recorded. When larger quantities of chemical fertilizers are used, the plant will burn and that will cause a long-lasting damage to the crops. When humus is used plants can be cultivated, either from the seeds or from the transplants with more success. Actually, all known plant cultivation techniques can commence on humus, because it also reduces the possibility of soil compression due to its cylindrical ball-like structure. The plant roots development is accelerated and better, and the water does not linger in the environment, so that the root system is not exposed to too much humidity. The chemical composition of organically cultivated fruit and vegetables, grapes and olives is proven to be better and to contain incomparably more nutrients and microelements.

Humus can in no way be compared to common manure, because it is rich in minerals, 11 times more potassium, 3 times more magnesium, 7 times more phosphorus and 5 times more nitrates than the stable manure. The calculation that one ton of humus equals 6 tons of stable manure results from these data. Material effects from the use of ecological bio-manure can be compared to the profits achieved by applying the high technology in the field of electronics.     

The primary target of cultivating the earthworms is the production of humus, the finest, high-quality organic manure used for all kinds of plants. When it feeds on stable manure, the earthworm breaks it down in its own organism, partly absorbing some components, but for the most part excreting it from its digestive system in form of fine humus. The role of the stable manure in the earthworm cultivation is dual. The earthworms use it both as the basis of their nutrition and as the environment they live in. Therefore, the largest attention must be paid exactly to the stable manure quality. The stable manure consists of solid and liquid excrements and bedding (organic mat). The amount of nutritive substances of ripe stable manure depends upon the type and weight of the livestock, the type of food, the quantity of bedding, the manner of keeping livestock and the manure heap itself. The ripe stable manure is the most suitable for earthworm cultivation.