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Ferro Phosphorus is mainly used as alloying constituent and deoxidizier of special steel in metallurgical industry.
Ferro Phosphorus is mainly used as alloying constituent and deoxidizier of special steel in metallurgical industry.
1.Application:Ferro Phosphorus is mainly used as alloying constituent and deoxidizier of special steel in metallurgical industry. It used to produce phosphate products in chemical industry. It also used as filling material in making metallic coatings.
2.Properties: Ferro Phosphorus is smelted by using phosphorus and ferro ore.
3.Chemical Compositions(YB/T5036-1993)
Notes: Ferro Phosphorus should be delivered in lump. The quality of the biggest particle does not exceed 30 kg. The quality of this product whose particle size range is less than 20mm×20mm should not exceed 5% of the total quality of this batch.