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Copper sulfate is blue or yellowish granular crystal, acidic aqueous solution, is a protective inorganic fungicides, relatively safe to humans and animals. Chemical formula CuSO4. Generally pentahydrate CuSO4 • 5H2O, the common name vitriol; blue rhombic crystals; density of 2.284 g / cm 3.
Anhydrous copper sulfate as a white or gray powder. Acidic solution, the dust are highly pungent. Soluble in water and dilute ethanol, and not soluble in ethanol. Easy deliquescence in moist air, moisture absorption strong. In the formation of black copper oxide high temperature.
Main use: used for extracting other copper, also used as a textile mordant, agricultural pesticides, fungicides, and for copper.
Preparation of other copper compounds, copper sulfate is an important raw material. Can be mixed with milk of lime was "Bordeaux" solution, as a pesticide. Electrolytic refining of copper sulfate is also when the electrolyte.
Anhydrous copper sulphate (blue vitriol heated white powder after dehydration), chemical formula CuSO4, a contact with water, blue, usually used as a test to prove whether there is water. Anhydrous copper sulfate to the system in the chemical industry to take other important raw material for copper. Bottom anti-fouling paints used raw materials, desiccant, catalyst and so on.
Anhydrous copper sulfate is also used to prepare Bordeaux mixture (a pesticide).