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Painting Bucket Mould Name : 20L Round painting Bucket Mould
Painting bucket mould Size: 20L
Product description:
Seal proof system design
Painting bucket mould cavity: 1 cavity
Painting bucket mould Size: 700x700x750mm
Suitable machine: 500T Dakumar machine
Painting bucket mould material: DIN 1.2344+Copper Beryllium
Painting bucket mould life: 2M
Runner system: 1 point ANOLE Hot Runner point gate
Ejection system: Inclined ejecting block
Painting bucket mould running: Full automaticity
Painting bucket mould features: Complex mould structure. The application of Copper Beryllium leads to best cooling effect, Stroke switch controls ejection process precisely , Oil and water integrator is more convenient for application and operation, Copper guide bush, abrasion resistance and prolong the mould life
Injection cycle time : 21 seconds(high speed injection machine)
Delivery time : 65 days