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Jatropha Oil can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel
- Used as well known fertilizer
-Ready Stocks
-Bulk stocks
Jatropha Seed Oiljatropha oil / crude jatropha oil / jatropha curcas oil
  • Botanical Name : Jatropha Curcus
  • Family Name : Euphorbiaceae
  • Common Name : Jatropha Seeds, Purging Nut, Psysic Nut.
  • Part Used : Jatropha Seeds, Jatropha Leaves.
  • Habitat : Cultivated throughout india.
  • Product offered : Seeds, Oil
Jatropha oil is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the Jatropha curcas, a plant that can grow in marginal lands.
When jatropha seeds are crushed, the resulting jatropha oil can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel that can be used in a standard diesel car, while the residue (press cake) can also be processed and used as biomass feedstock to power electricity plants or used as fertilizer (it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium)
Uses : Jatropha is a small tree or shrub with smooth gray bark, which exudes whitish colored, watery latex when cut. It grows between three and five meters in height, but can attain a height of up to eight or ten meters under favorable conditions. Oil has a very high saponification value and is being extensively used for making soap in some countries. The oil is used as an illuminant as it burns without emitting smoke. Oil cake of Jatropha is rich in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium and can be used as organic manure. It is a drought resistant shrub with a smooth gray bark.