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Carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) 
CAS No.: 9000-11-7 
Technical specifications: 
Starch or starch derivatives: without 
Solution viscometer 600r/min read values: 90max 
Suspending liquid filtration/mL: 10max 
Deionized water viscometer read values: 30min 
40g/L saline solution: 30min 
Saturated saline solution: 30min 
Saturated brine suspending liquid filtration/mL: 10.0 max 

It is used for washing, textile, drilling, coating, cosmetics, etc. 
1. Thickening: At low concentrations for high viscosity. Can control the viscosity of food 
Processing, while giving a sense of food lubrication. 
2. Water retention: The role of reduced food syneresis, extend shelf life. 
3. Dispersion stability: Maintaining the stability of food quality and prevent water layer (emulsion), 
Control of frozen food in the crystal size (less ice). 
4. Film-forming: Forming a layer of fried food in the film, to prevent excessive absorption of fat. 
5. Chemical stability: The chemical, heat, light stable, there is some anti-mildew properties. 
6. Metabolic inertia: As a food additive, not metabolism, calories in food is not available. 
7. Excellent film formation that protects tobacco leaf against damage. 
8. Excellent water retention even at low concentration. 
9. CMC is used as mold adhesive for plasticity improvement