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Properties: Anatomy Appliances
Brand Name: Ml Elettromedicali
Place of Origin: Italy


In many of our homes we live next to a pet, dog, cat and more of unimaginable!
They live with us as part of the household with a name and in many cases a lot of toiletry accessories and / or clothing. This is great because what a pet can give is unique (friendship, affection, tolerance and much more), but these friends are vulnerable as we are and as much as we do get sick, are injured, become ill, suffer and lead us to suffer for them when it happens.
ML, sensitive to these issues, proposes a series of tools to help veterinary physiotherapy.
Like in humans kind this devices for magnetic therapy, ultrasound therapy , electrotherapy, etc. ... come to help us ? in many circumstances, so they can be for our furry friends.
These tools can be used by all veterinary surgeons and, at their limitation, even at home as a support to accelerate healing, rehabilitation after trauma, such as relaxation or support to a sports training.

Among applications of magnetic therapy the more specific treatments are the musculoskeletal system one:
- Osteopathy and discopathies
- Fractures and delayed consolidation of the same
- Tendonitis
- Muscle pain / Dislocations
- Sprains
- Bursitis
- Arthritis / Osteoarthritis and Rheumatism
- Wounds and Ulcers
- Delayed healing / hematoma and contusions
- Anatomical and functional recovery of injured nerves
- Enhance the body's natural defenses

Among the benefit effects include:
- Pain therapy
- Stimulation of reparative processes
- Improved functionality of the cell membrane
- Organization of ground substance bone (bone strengthening)
- Action on chemical mediators (endorphins, prostaglandins)
- Increased vascularity with improved blood flow


The ultrasonic waves cause a significant increase in the intracellular parts of the membrane permeability and blood flow, while favoring the removal of catabolites and resolution in inflammation. The main indications are:
- Tendon and muscle disorders
- Stiffness
- Periarthritis and epicondylitis
- Neuritis
- Hypotrophy
- Degenerative
- Treatment of pain
- Revival of the microcirculation
- Drainage of interstitial fluid
- Treatment of edema and swelling (trauma)

The application of ultrasound causes a micro-massage and a thermal effect with great benefits on the superficial and deep tissues.
The main applications include diseases of the muscles, tendons and their attachments, the capsule and articular cartilage.
Besides having the effect of ultrasound tissue heating have many applications: promote the healing of surgical wounds and not, help the healing of decubitus wages, are used in the treatment of elbow hygroma, promote healing bone fractures, increase the elasticity of tendons and ligaments, reduce muscle spasms, play an role in the treatment of pain and promote the mobilization of the joints.

Electrical stimulation is indicated for:
1 - Prevention of muscle atrophy due to lack of use,
2 - Rehabilitation muscle
3 - Immediate post-surgical stimulation of muscles,
4 - Maintain and increase range of motion,
5 - Release of muscle spasticity,
6 - Increase local blood circulation.

The intended purpose for the use of electrical stimulation are:
1 - Control and reduction of spasticity,
2 - Transdermal delivery of medication (iontophoresis)
3 - Reduction of the impossibility of movement caused by neuromuscular problems,
4 - Provide an active muscular contraction with resulting joint movements, allowing the proprioceptive feedback
5 - Reduction of pain (analgesic TENS).