Product Main


the following example is for you reference.

1.Brief Introduction:


 Ain application: core barrel equipped with roller cutter bits Generally used to cut very hard fractured, hard rock formation with compressive strength up to (200 MPa)
Features: Kelly box: 130-150-200 - other available upon request Teeth
Main application strong rock (more than 100 MPa) suitable in compact rock
Bauer,soilmec,casagrande type

2.Techincal parameters:

  Features: Kelly box: 130-150-200 - other available upon request Teeth: Single roller bit c/w bearing and carbide insert IADC 637 or IADC 737 - diam. 8.5 inch.


3.Performance features:

Strong rock (more than 100 MPa) suitable in compact rock
Core Barrel with Roller bit