the following example is for you reference.
1.Brief Introduction:
the hammer grab is the most important tool in pile construction and it determines the drilling progress. Hammer grab combines the advantages of a number of good hammer grabs and, due to its special characteristics, is a universial hammer grab of top class.
2.Techincal parameters: mode CASING DIAMETER DOwn diameter UP diameter CApacity L Weight CZD/a-600 800/720 600 570 70 1750 CZD/a-700 880/800 700 670 90 2430 CZD/a-800 1000/900 800 770 150 3150 CZD/a-900 1100/1000 900 870 210 3450 CZD/a-1000 1160/1100 1000 970 340 4250
3.Performance features:
Large capacity, not easy break down
RObust free fall grab with high closing force especially suitable for boring in soils and for water logged pile foundations, the pullerys are with oil -filled