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In traditional herbalism hot water extracts of Coriolus were used to dispel dampness, reduce phlegm, treat pulmonary infections, and to support liver health. The Ming dynasty edition of the Materia Medica states that "The black and green Yun zhi are beneficial to one's spirit and vital energy, and strengthen one's tendon and bone. If Yun zhi is taken for a long time, it will make one vigorous and live long." In Japan these mushrooms are also highly prized and sought after by people suffering from a variety of cancers. It was this popularity as a "folk remedy" that first got the attention of modern researchers. Based on its reputation for healing within their traditional herbal practices Chinese and Japanese scientists began to do controlled clinical research on concentrated hot water extracts from Coriolus, studying the same 1-4, 1-3 polysaccharides (beta glucans) that would have been released into solution when making the hot water teas described in the texts from traditional Japanese and Chinese herbalism. After placebo controlled clinical research demonstrated significant immuno-modulating properties the Coriolus 1-4, 1-3 polysaccharides (beta glucans) were approved as a pharmaceutical product by the Japanese Health Ministry, allowing health insurance to cover the cost of it's use. At this point the Coriolus extract began to get widespread use by Japanese oncologists. Coriolus polysaccharides were used in practice to support immune health after surgical treatment for various conditions and to support and protect immune health in those patients receiving therapies where immune suppression is a prominent feature. Private and government sponsored research continued to monitor the effectiveness of the highly concentrated Coriolus extract in placebo controlled multi-institutional clinical studies, with the clinical evidence demonstrating significant immune benefit from daily use. The Coriolus extract was so successful that the cost to Japan's national health insurance program reached almost a billion dollars a year. In an attempt to reduce expenditures the Health Ministry restricted the use of the Coriolus extract to those people most in need, people receiving chemotherapy or radiation. Clinical research has consistently demonstrated the ability of