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The brand new sorter by resonance is a revolutionary machine representing the weightiest recent novelty in the field of Dried-Fruit processing (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts, pine-seeds, pistachios, etc.) . Echo is the outcome of many years of zealous studies aimed at the realization of an easy-to-use machine, boasting reduced maintenance & operational costs together with high-level performances. The separation of foreign bodies-with respect to shells, unshelled or partially shelled fruits, stones, glass, metals-is effected through a detection device based on the principle of the distinct resonance produced by each element; the frequency developed by the shelled fruit is different from all the others and this allows the SEA software to process the signals / frequency and to activate the pneumatic ejectors to sort out any non-conforming material. The Echo sorter is available in a double version-consisting of two specular modules one on top of the other-allowing a double passage of the product in order to obtain extremely meticulous sorting as required for the finished product. Else, it can be supplied in its one-pass version, with only one module Echo offers an unequalled efficiency / price ratio if compared also with conventional systems applying the Nir, Laser, or Rx technology.