Bio-Zeta~5 Engine Booster
Problems: Vehicles
As vehicles age, vehicle owners find that their vehicles consume more fuel, less horsepower; torque becomes lower and high carbon deposits. Vehicle owners feel the loss in horsepower due to the carbon deposits in the engine chambers. Vehicle manufacturers have not found the perfect equilibrium for fuel efficiencies to produce higher horsepower in vehicles. As time passes, carbon deposits will gradually form multiple layers in engine chambers.
Carbon deposits will form no matter how often you service your vehicle. It is a natural process of the effects from fuel burning. Unless the vehicle runs on Hydro, carbon deposits will be a permanent problem. One of the ways to resolve carbon deposits is to improve fuel efficiency. As stock vehicles burn 75% of the fuel, the remaining will form carbon deposits. Unless fuel efficiency can be improved to 99%, leftovers will leave carbon residue.
Bio-Zeta~5 Engine Booster gives you 25% more fuel burning efficiency. Hydrocarbon is found to emit from your exhaust after affixing Bio-Zeta~5 Engine Booster.
Why Not More Horsepower in Stock Cars?
Most drivers want higher horsepower for their stock cars but lack the experience in tuning and modifying. Horsepower has been the main concerned among car owners. Meanwhile car manufacturers focus on efficiency rather than horsepower. Environmental concerns have been a higher priority as compared to horsepower leading to majority stock cars lag in horsepower. Cars that put priority to horsepower are usually sports model.
There are so many products in the market that can be used to improve horsepower. These products include electric charges, boost controllers, fuel savers, air filters; the offerings are limitless. However, to what extend can you expect the horsepower to increase? If your vehicle has been tuned to the finest, do you expect more horsepower? Every vehicle has a maximum output based on specifications. And many times, the claims on vehicle horsepower in product specs can never be produced on wheel. It is common that you find your vehicle producing 25% less horsepower on wheels.
Bio-Zeta~5 Engine Booster