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Product Information 1. TONIC FOR LADY 2. Formulation: Each 280ml contains Herba Leonuri 39,2g Rhizoma Cyperi 25,2g Radix Angelicae sinensis 12,6g Radix Paeoniae lactiflorae 12,6g Rhizoma Ligustici wallichii 11,2g Radix Campanumoeae 11,2g Poria 11,2g Radix Rehmaniae praeparatus 11,2g Rhizoma Rhei 11,2g Herba Artemisiae vulgaris 11,2g Aloe 0,84g Natrii Benzoas 0,56g Sucrosum 168g Alcohol Aethylicus 900 2,8ml Aqua potabilis Q.s 280ml 3. Presentation: Liquid 4. Package: Glass bottle of 280ml 5. Indication: Tonic for blood and regularly menstruation, treatment for leucorrhoea, colic (before or after menstruation), stain on face, spot pimple, coarse skin, daintiness, wakefulness, dasyure, costiveness. 6. Administration, dosage: For tonic blood and regularly menstruation: Take 2 times per day (morning and evening), one spoon (15ml) for 1 times. Note: Stirring well in boiled water For treatment of colic (Before or after menstruation), costiveness: take 3 times per day, 2 spoon (30) for 1 times Note: Stirring well in boiled water. 7. Side effects: No. 8. Contra Indication: Not use for people of dregnant. 9. Warning: Read the catalogs carefully before use. Keep away from reach of children. For more information please contact with the herbalist or manufacturer. 10. Expire-date, storage, application standard: a. Expire-date: Within 24 months from the date of manufacturing. b.Storage: Store at room temperature and project from moisture. c. Application standard: TCCS 11. Establishment Medicine Traditional Vinh Quang