it is a very good products, it is enjoying a popular market all over the world. now, let me introducts our products as following:
It includes two electronic acupuncture apparatus and two plasters:
1. Electronic acupuncture apparatus.It is developped by US mol laboratory cooperation and our company to simulate shaolin 8 therapy skills, it includes 8 modes, it is controlled by a mircompute chip to acupuncture your acupoints to make some good effect for some disease. I think you must hear shaolin temple, chinese kungfu.. shaolin 8 therapy skill is a very good medical skill in China, it was special for some bone and joints diseases.
2. Shaolin medicine herb plaster. It is refined purely from variety of chinese medicine herbs, it is named by shaolin magic plaster. it is no side effect for our healthy. it can by used 180 times. You can feel your channel is freeing, the medicine herb will filter your body to effect for some diseases.