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Resolves: - Loud Engine Noise - Engine uses more oil than normal - White / Black smoke or water vapor from the exhaust - High Carbon deposits from poor fuel combustion - Lack of power & responsiveness - High fuel consumption Features: - Environmental Friendly - Vehicle emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Greenhouse gasses have reduced extensively; - Diminishing Fossil Fuel - A renewable energy; - Wasted Fuel - Minimize wasted fuel by increasing fuel burning ratio to a minimum of 95%; - Pollution from Diesel Engines Black smoke is notably lessen to minimal; - Intense Vehicle Engine Fumes Emitting fumes are odorless and wet (remaining fumes are mostly H2O); - Poor Combustion - No carbon deposits in engine and exhaust; - Lack of Responsiveness Improved torque and horsepower; - Heavy Carbon Deposits in Engine An Engine Cleaner that is able to remove old congested carbon deposits in engine. Competitive Advantage: - Ability to reduce vehicle pollution by 87%; - A natural and renewable energy that does not require energy cells storage; - Bio-Zeta~5 requires NO MODIFICATION or REMOVAL or INSTALLATION to a vehicle. Other similar products require ion of product Air Filters, Fuel Tanks or other engine compartments; - Our technology is far more superior compared to others. It contains a renewable greentech energy that is embedded inside the product. Our product has the energy that is able to penetrate 1 inch thick steel and it has a 5ft working radius.