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Curcuma Zedoary Botanical Name : Curcuma zedoaria (ROSCOE) Family Name : Zingiberaceae Constituents: Zedoary root contains: 1.0 -1.5% essential oil containing D-borneol; D-camphene; D-camphor; cineole; curculone; curcumadiol; Curcumanolide A and B; Curcumenol; curcumenone curcumin; curcumol; curdione; dehydrocurdione; alpha-pinene; mucilage; starch; resin; sesquiterpenes; and sesquiterpene alcohols. The root also contains numerous other bitter substances; tannins; and flavonoids. Medicinal Action and Uses: The bitter tincture of zedoary root is used to prevent disease recurrence (as with malaria) and to treat ulcers.Aromatic, stimulant. Useful in flatulent colic and debility of the digestive organs, though it is rarely employed, as ginger gives the same, or better results. It is used as an ingredient in bitter tincture of Zedoary, antiperiodic pills (with and without aloes) bitter tincture, antiperiodic tincture (with and without aloes). Traditional Uses: * Anti-inflammatory * Antioxidant * Antiperiodic (prevents disease recurrence) * Bile Stimulant * Cellular Regeneration * Cleansing * Detoxification * Digestive Disorders * Flatulence *Gastrointestinal Disorders * Indigestion * Ulcers