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ORANIT General Description: A mixture of aromatic oils in alcohol. Active materials: Pine oil, Eucalyptus, Thyme species, Cinnamon. Usage instructions: The product contains a high concentration of aromatic oils; it is only intended for inhalation. Half a liter of water should be boiled in a small, covered pot. Add 3-10 drops of Oranit. Cover the pot immediately and put your face on it, covering your head with a towel. Lift the pot cover for a few second, close your eyes, breathe the vapors (through your nose, as much as possible), and cover it again. Repeat this every few seconds, until the water cools down and no longer produces vapors. Do not go outdoors for at least 30 minutes after the treatment. Close your eyes while breathing the vapors. The mixture may cause temporary reddening of the facial skin (up to 10 minutes following the treatment); this phenomenon is not dangerous. Limitations: Do not use for treating children aged under 10 (for them, use Mashav instead). The treatment may irritate the eyes, so closing the eyes during the inhalation is necessary. Comments: It is recommended to combine the treatment with usage of the Lavi infusion. Size: 10 ml