1. 1" DTH hammer and bit with Bulroc 1 shank
2. 2" DTH hammer and bit with Bulroc 2 and MACH20 shanks
3. 3" DTH hammer and bit with COP32, COP34, MACH303 and DHD3.5 shanks
4. 4" DTH hammer and bit with COP44/DHD340, MACH44, SD4, Mission40 and QL40 shanks
5. 5" DTH hammer and bit with COP54/DHD350R, COP54 Gold, MACH50, SD5, Mission50 and QL50 shanks
6. 6" DTH hammer and bit with COP64/DHD360, COP64 Gold, SD6, Mission 60 and QL60 shanks
7. 8" DTH hammer and bit with COP84/DHD380, SD8 and QL80 shanks
8. 10" DTH hammer and bit with SD10 shanks
9. 12" DTH hammer and bit with DHD112 and SD12 shanks
2. 2" DTH hammer and bit with Bulroc 2 and MACH20 shanks
3. 3" DTH hammer and bit with COP32, COP34, MACH303 and DHD3.5 shanks
4. 4" DTH hammer and bit with COP44/DHD340, MACH44, SD4, Mission40 and QL40 shanks
5. 5" DTH hammer and bit with COP54/DHD350R, COP54 Gold, MACH50, SD5, Mission50 and QL50 shanks
6. 6" DTH hammer and bit with COP64/DHD360, COP64 Gold, SD6, Mission 60 and QL60 shanks
7. 8" DTH hammer and bit with COP84/DHD380, SD8 and QL80 shanks
8. 10" DTH hammer and bit with SD10 shanks
9. 12" DTH hammer and bit with DHD112 and SD12 shanks