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The more that researchers learn about the relationship between water and health, the more they realize the importance of both the quantity and quality of the water we drink. The Hexagon Hi-Energy Structured Water System is the most comprehensive water treatment system you can find today. It not only removes all chemicals and contaminants from your tap water, but it also replicate's nature's ecosystem to bring you fresh living water with all of the essential properties found in nature's "fountains of youth."The more you learn about water (from this website and from outside sources), the more you'll appreciate the comprehensive magnificence of the Hexagon system. Good water is necessary for good health. Great water can help you achieve great health. Hexagon water is one of the best gifts you will ever give your body! You could live for weeks without food, but without water you would dehydrate and die within days. A mere 2% loss of the water surrounding your cells can cause a 20% decrease in your energy levels.The Human Body is 70% WaterBrain 74% | Muscles 75% | Blood 82% | Bones 22% | Teeth 5% | Liver 69% | Kidneys 82% Water is Crucial For All Bodily FunctionsWater hydrates and irrigates our trillions of cells and is essential for over 90% of the biological and chemical processes that take place in our bodies. Without water, blood would not flow, oxygen and nutrients would not be transported, waste would not be eliminated, and most of our organs and bodily processes would not function. Cells Are ImmortalAccording to Nobel Prize Winner, Dr Alexis Carrel, cells do not have to degenerate or die.It is the fluid surrounding the cells that degenerates. If you renew that fluid regularly, the pulsation of life can go on forever.