Product Main


Commodity name: Folic Acid
Chemical name: N-4-[(2-amido-4-oxo-1,4-dihydro-6-terene)methylamino]benzoyl-L-glutamic acid
Other name: vitamin M
CAS: 59-30-3
M.F.: C19H19N7O6
M.W.: 441.40
Properties: yellow or orange crystalline powder, no smell and no odor. Do not solvable in water and ethanol, easy to dissolve in sodium
hydroxide or sodium carbonate's dilute solutions
Loss on drying (%): 5 - 8.5
Residue on ignition (%): ≤0.1%
Uses: feed additive, food additive,pharmaceutical USP26/BP2000/BPV2002
Storage: store in dry,cool and shady place
Period of validity: 3 years, use it as quickly as possible after unseal