CIP (Cold Isostatic Pressing) is a method of cold hydrostatic pressure molding usually known as "rubber press". The CIP method involves transmitting a pressure with a liquid; In other words, it is a method of applying Pascal's law to powder molding. When powder is sealed in a rubber bag which has little transformation resistance and liquid pressure is applied, all of the powder surfaces receive the same compressive force equal to the liquid pressure so that the powder is compressed and molded isotropically.
Typical Average properties:
Properties Unit The Properties'range
Bulk Density g/cm3 1.60~1.85
Specific Resistance μohm-m 8~15
Ash Content PPM 200~1000
Porosity % 10~25
Compressive Strength Mpa 40~100
Flexural Strength Mpa 20~50
Tensile Strength Mpa 15~30
Elastic Modulus Gpa 8.5
Shore Hardness 40~80
C. T. E10-6 4.0~6.0
Thermal Conductivity Kc/mh0C 60~120
Grain Size mm 0.042~0.8.
Company: Zibo Duocheng Trading Co., Ltd