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Our machines are sturdy and balanced design structure. The machines are supplied in different models. Fabric width wise from 3 mm to 175 mm and nos. of tape 2 to 8 nos. according to width of fabric. Max. heild frame are 16 nos. which is enough for general weaves used in elastic as well as rigid tapes. That gives sufficient space for smooth working. All general features like electro magnetic brake, auto stop motion for warp and weft, lock thread weaving systems are provided in our all models. Particular type of creel required for elastic tape can be supplied on request. Our standard supply includes system for warp supply through beams. SPESIFICATION 1)Model 6/30 4/45 2/65 6/45 4/65 8/30 2/110 2/175 2)Nos. of tapes ( Heads ) 6 4 2 6 4 8 2 2 3)Max. reed width in mm 30 45 65 45 65 30 110 175 4)Electric Motor 1 H.P. ( A.C. 3 Phase) 5)Electromagnetic Brake. 6)Weft yarn feed attachment with capston device. 7)Easy weaving setting. 8)Shedding Shaft 12 set with heild farmes. 9)Auto stop motion for any yarn breakages in warp, weft and catch threads. 10)Fault indicators for any yarn breakages in warp, weft and catch threads. 11)Automatic Centralized lubrication system. 12)Variable motor pulley for different speeds.