Contact adhesive 007 is a kind of new adhesive which developed by our technical. Its property is moer outstanding than other products in the company. It has very attractive gold color and super bonding strength. It has been very popular in China mardet since it was first sold in January 2007. So, we strongly believe it will become a star product in the adhesive industry no longer soon.
Bonds carpet, Plastic laminates,bords, rubber,leather,felt cork to themselves and wool chipboard, concrete metals.
Technical Data
Initial Viscidity Strong (0.97Mpa)
Shear strength 1.8Mpa
Viscosity 1200~2500cps
Density Around 0.9kg/L
Solid content 38%~42%
Impact to environment Measure up
to National standard
Open time Around 15 minutes to 6 hours