Product Main


Appearance White, free flowing solid
Bulk density, g/mL 1.11
Molecular weight 553
Melting range, °C 221 - 232
Solubility @ 20°C(g/100g solvent)
THF 12.0 Toluene <0.01
Methylene Chloride 0.25 Water <0.01
Acetone >1.0 Paraffin Oil <0.01
The presence of transition metal ions in plastics can lead to the introduction and accelerated production of degradation products.  YINOX 1024 combines both an antioxidant and a metal deactivator for outstanding protection in a variety of polymers including polyolefins and elastomers used in applications such as wire and cable insulation.  It provides excellent protection from the auto-oxidation process that can occur with the presence of trace metals in polymers from such things as catalyst residue.  Its ideal melting range allows for ease of incorporation into many polymer systems without dispersion problems.