G series On-line UPS compared with the off-line UPS,the On-line UPS can offer more better power supply for overload.It's the best structure whether regulate output voltage range, frequency range, input noise deleting or zero-change time of normal mode & battery mode etc.Therefore,we should choose the On-line UPS for important facilities or any other vital fields.
◆Pure sine wave output & zero-change time.
◆High input power factor & high Intelligence.
◆Double copy of thermal machines.
◆DC starts & automatic start function.
◆Automatic inspect function & display for concentrate technique.
◆Self protection & advantage digital figure control technique.
◆Strong anti-interference ability & used equip with generator.
◆Long function power supply & long function strong charge ability.
◆Bypass protect function & free monitor software.
Main Technical Data
Phase No. : Single-phase
Input voltage: 176~276V
Input frequency range: 46.5-55Hz
Output voltage: 220±3%
Output frequency: 50Hz±0.5%(Normal power supply mode)
Output overload capacity: 110%~130% output changed to bypass after 10 sec
Output wave form: Sine wave
Recharge time: 8 hour to 90%
Change time: Zero break
Indicator: indicator for overload, battery power supply and UPS using situation
Alarm sound: Alarm one time per 4sec,for battery power supply and 1 sec.when the battery will be exhausted;the continue alarm for abnormal situation of UPS.
Communication display:RS232+Intelligent Slot (Equipped with monitoring software for the supervise & control at real time,remote turn off, automatic memory and turn-off cue and antomatic calling.)
Ambient Temperature: 0℃~40℃
Relative humidity: 20%~90%