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Wear it on a chain or carry it in your pocket.

The scalar energy from the pendant works outwardly and within the body. Outwardly scalar energy enhances the bodys biofield. Inwardly it works to facilitate cell permeability and thereby enhances the many physiological functions of the cells in the body.

Health Benefits

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes unclumping of cells
  • Enhances circulation
  • Enhances immune and endocrine systems
  • Has the ability to destroy viruses and bacteria
  • Enhances cellular nutrition and detoxification
  • Enhances cellular permeability
  • Increases energy
  • Helps to protect DNA from damage
  • Helps to retard the ageing process
  • Helps to fight cancer cells
  • Strengthens the bodys biofield preventing
    electro-magnetic waves from affecting ones health
  • Increases focus and concentration

Our contact: 0172263509