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Hammer drill bits
Types: 9
      1), SDS-PLUS hammer drill bits
      2), SDS-PLUS S4 (double flutes/dual spiral) hammer drill bits
      3), 4 cutting edges SDS-PLUS hammer drill bits (cross tip)
      4), SDS-MAX hammer drill bits (2 kinds)
      5), 1/2" Hex hammer drill bits
      6), cylinder masonry drill bits
      7), SDS-PLUS Square hammer drill bits
      8), 3 cutting edges SDS-PLUS hammer drill bits
The material of the body: high-quality alloy steel (40 Cr)
The material of the tip: YG8C (carbide)
Tech data: (up to your requirements)
        Diameter: 3mm ------ 38 mm
        Length: 85mm -----1200mm
        (Log on our company website to get detailed information)
     Sand blasted, plated with zinc, nickel, chrome and black oxide
       Making holes on hard materials, such as: marble, concrete and granite, and was widely used in the industry of construction & installation.

 Code  Diameter(mm)  Length(mm)  Code  Diameter(mm)  Length(mm)
RY010385 3 85 RY0108450 8 450
RY0104110 4 110 RY0110450 10 450
RY0105110 5 110 RY0112450 12 450
RY0106110 6 110 RY0114450 14 450
RY0165110 6.5 110 RY0116450 16 450
RY0107110 7 110 RY0118450 18 450
RY0108110 8 110 RY0120450 20 450
RY0110110 10 110 RY0122450 22 450
RY0105160 5 160 RY0124450 24 450
RY0155160 5.5 160 RY0125450 25 450
RY0106160 6 160 RY0126450 26 450
RY0165160 6.5 160 RY0128450 28 450
RY0108160 8 160 RY0130450 30 450
RY0110160 10 160 RY0110500 10 500
RY0111160 11 160 RY0112500 12 500
RY0112160 12 160 RY0114500 14 500
RY0113160 13 160 RY0116500 16 500
RY0114160 14 160 RY0118500 18 500
RY0116160 16 160 RY0120500 20 500
RY0105210 5 210 RY0122500 22 500
RY0106210 6 210 RY0124500 24 500
RY0108210 8 210 RY0125500 25 500
RY0110210 10 210 RY0126500 26 500
RY0112210 12 210 RY0128500 28 500
RY0114210 14 210 RY0130500 30 500
RY0116210 16 210 RY0110600 10 600
RY0118210 18 210 RY0112600 12 600
RY0120210 20 210 RY0114600 14 600
RY0122210 22 210 RY0116600 16 600
RY0125210 25 210 RY0118600 18 600
RY0106260 6 260 RY0120600 20 600
RY0108260 8 260 RY0122600 22 600
RY0110260 10 260 RY0124600 24 600
RY0112260 12 260 RY0125600 25 600
RY0114260 14 260 RY0126600 26 600
RY0116260 16 260 RY0128600 28 600
RY0118260 18 260 RY0130600 30 600
RY0120260 20 260 RY0110800 10 800
RY0122260 22 260 RY0112800 12 800
RY0125260 25 260 RY0114800 14 800
RY0108310 8 310 RY0116800 16 800
RY0110310 10 310 RY0118800 18 800
RY0112310 12 310 RY0120800 20 800
RY0114310 14 310 RY0122800 22 800
RY0116310 16 310 RY0124800 24 800
RY0118310 18 310 RY0125800 25 800
RY0120310 20 310 RY0126800 26 800
RY0122310 22 310 RY0128800 28 800
RY0124310 24 310 RY0130800 30 800
RY0125310 25 310 RY01101000 10 1000
RY0108350 8 350 RY01121000 12 1000
RY0110350 10 350 RY01141000 14 1000
RY0112350 12 350 RY01161000 16 1000
RY0114350 14 350 RY01181000 18 1000
RY0116350 16 350 RY01201000 20 1000
RY0118350 18 350 RY01221000 22 1000
RY0120350 20 350 RY01241000 24 1000
RY0122350 22 350 RY01251000 25 1000