Key Features
_ Enables sharing one host PC with up to 30 users*
_ Connects to host PC via Ethernet over any distance
_ USB Port (connect USB Flash memory,USB camer and USB printer etc)
_ Includes terminal services software for Windows/Linux
_ Extension protocol supports multi-media applications
_ Slashes computing acquisition & support costs
_ Easy to setup, maintain and secure
_ Compact, reliable & energy efficient (no fans or disks)
_ Zero-footprint monitor mount
_ All in a stylish new smaller chassis (just 1 inch tall and 4.5 inches square)
With the Kingsem solution, each user still has a standard monitor, keyboard, mouse and speakers.However, instead of connecting directly to a PC, these peripherals connect to the UTC56i access terminal on their desk. The UTC56i has USB ports connecting USB equipment like USB Flash memory, USB camer and USB printer etc(if you want preventing users from connecting USB flash memory refer to the UTC55).The solid state UTC56i connects securely over standard Ethernet to the host PC using the high-performance Kingsem User eXtension Protocol (UXP).The UTC terminal services software divides the PC’s resources into independent sessions that give each user their own full PC experience. Up to ten users can be supported from one PC when running on a desktop operating system such as Microsoft Windows XP.With a server operating system on the host (Linux or Microsoft Windows 2003 Server) up to 30 users* can be supported simultaneously. The UTC terminal services software also works with the UTC series software which add more centralized management capabilities such as remote monitoring and host PC data backup. By delivering all the key components of this multi-user computing system, Kingsem uniquely delivers a high performance solution at the lowest possible cost to you.
UTC56i Ultra Thin Client Specifications
Size Width: Width: 115 mm / 4.5 inches, Depth: 115 mm / 4.5 inches, Height: 26 mm / 1 inches
Weight UTC56i Access Terminal: 150 g / 0.33 lbs
Shipping Weight (includes power adapter, packaging, documentation, etc.): 0.76 kg / 1.6 lbs
Power Supply
Input: 100-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz
Output: 5 VDC, 2 A
Nominal consumption: 4.5 Watts