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What is White Willow Bark Extract
White willow bark extract comes from the white willow tree, a member of the Salicaceae family; the tree can grow up to 75 feet tall, and thrives near streams or rivers. White willow grows in diverse regions of the world, ranging from parts of Europe, North America, and Asia.
Although there are several hundred species of willow, white willow extract is one of the few believed to harbor medicinial properties. Indeed, it has been used for therapuetic purposes for thousands of years in places such as China.
How can White Willow Bark Extract benefit you?
Although the Eastern world recognized the therapeutic benefits of white willow extract long ago, it wasn't until the 18th eighteenth century that the West began using white willow branch extract for relieving pain and fever.
The bark extract derives its benefits from its active ingredient -- salicin -- and which was isolated by German and French scientists in 1828.
Salicylic acid was manufactured from white willow bark extract...salicylic acid, indeed, is the precursor to one of the world's most well known drugs for treating fevers and pain: aspirin.
So, the question then becomes: why take white willow extract if you can just take aspirin instead?
Well, some experts believe that although both aspirin and white willow bark extract will reduce fever and pain, white willow's benefits last longer...and that it does not harbor the same serious risks as aspirin, such as possible stomach bleeding. On the other hand, white willow extract is said to take longer than aspirin before its beneficial effects are felt...indeed it may take several days before the effects kick in.
Other benefits include: alleviating headaches, muscle aches, and arthritis pains, menstrual cramps. The herb harbors anti-inflammatory properties, contains tannins and flavonoids which probably accounts for some of these benefits.
White Willow Bark contains salicin, which the body converts to salicylic acid and has the same effect on the body as aspirin without any of the side effects. In fact, White Willow Bark was the basis for the synthesis of aspirin. History of usage of White Willow Bark goes back as far as 500 BC when ancient Chinese healers began using it to control pain. Native Americans also discovered the value of the Willow tree for relieving pain from headaches and rheumatism and reducing fevers.
The benefits of White Willow Bark today are that it is an anti-inflammatory, a fever reducer, an analgesic, an anti-rheumatic, and an astringent. Specifically, it helps to relieve headaches; helps to ease pain associated with inflammatory conditions like rheumatism, arthritis, and carpal tunnel syndrome; and helps to control fevers. Studies have shown that if you feel better, you are more likely to want to stick to your weight loss plan and because of that, White Willow Bark can aid in your diet goals.
Take one to two capsules daily with water at mealtimes. Do not exceed recommended dosage. There are no major side effects known at this time. However, due to the tannins in White Willow, some may develop stomach upset. Also, due to the chemical similarity to aspirin, avoid White Willow Bark if you have had any allergic reaction to aspirin.
Precautions about White willow extract
White willow bark extract is believed to be safe and harbor no known toxicity. However, reported side effects can range from nausea to upset stomachs to tinnitus (ringing of the ears). It should also not be used in conjunction with aspirin as it can magnify the latter's effects. In addition, those with an allergy to aspirin should not use it nor people under 16 years of age.
Pregnant or nursing women, as always, should refrain from using any supplement, herbal or otherwise, unless consulting their physician first.