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Beijing Signal Knight Technology Co. 
Super High Power Cordless Signal Disturber | All Communication Frequency Wireless Phone Signal Disturber | Mobile Phone Signal Disturber|  Mobile Phone Signal DisturberSuper High Power Cordless Signal Disturber | All Communication Frequency Disturber| Wireless Phone Signal Disturber | Mobile Phone Signal Disturber| GPS Mobile Phone Signal Disturber | Low Power Disturber| High Power Disturber| Explosion-Proof Communication Signal Disturber
SK-01M+  super high power wireless phone signal disturber is used for jamming all wireless communication band frequency at a large area. It can be used in prision and military, especially. It can form an super powerful electromagetism protection field around the user, thus prevent mobile phone from receiving and transmitting the mobile signals to the base station. The model super high power cell phone disturber  for completely stopping all mobile phones operating on the CDMA, GSM, DCS, 3G bandwidth. The cell phone jammings are now a necessity for law enforcement and the military to interrupt communications by criminals and terrorists, and also for accomplishing a more cultured society.
Louis Qin