Product Main


1The production can be customized in accordance with the requirements of customers .

2The data above is collected in processing high quality raw glass for anti-reflective glass.

()Y, 1.1234, YSYDSD, .Y4YD61100*16004mm1100*1600mm, 6.
The coding method of the productsYshows that the glass has high quality, the following number, such as 1.1, 2, 3, 4, indicates the differemt thickness of this glass, the YS and YD respectively points out whether this glass is processed onesidedly(D) or double-sidedly(s), YS and YDis followed by the number which shows the processing ***** example, Y4YD6-1100*1600 means that raw glass with size of 4mm is adopred to produce the Anti-reflective glass which size is 1100*1600mm and is one-sidedly processed at the 6 procession level.

()1.1mm~6mm().8mm~ 25mm().
4The process-able thickness range of the glass:1.1mm~6mm(for screen).8mm~25(for building materials).

()1600mm*1400mm, 84(1700mm*1280mm).
5Maximal process-able sizes of the glass:1600mm*1400mm, 84(1700mm*1280mm).

6The implementation and customization of all the data above accords the standards of the company.