Item Description Standard Unit Box FOB Beijing
Person USD
1 HAV IgG 96 ONE
2 HBV 96 ONE
3 HBV 96 ONE
4 HBsAg 96 ONE
5 HBsAg 96 ONE
6 HBsAb 96 ONE
7 HBeAg 96 ONE
8 HBeAb 96 ONE
9 HBcAb 96 ONE
10 HbcAb IgM 96 ONE
11 HCV 96 ONE
12 HIV1/2 96 ONE
13 Syphilis 96 ONE
Payment: TT
Lead time: 15 days
Certificate: GMP& ISO, CE.
A Sino-Us diagnostic manufacter in Beijing, China, World of Health Biotech Co.,Ltd currently sells over 100 diagnostic products for Pregnancy (hCG), Ovulation (LH), FSH, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBcAb, HCV, HIV 1/2, H pylori, Malaria, Strep A, Chlamydia, Syphilis, FOB, PSA, AFP, CEA, Cardiac Troponin I, Alcohol test, DOA and Urinalysis test strip.
Other products: Elisa test kits and Blood Grouping.
Person USD
1 HAV IgG 96 ONE
2 HBV 96 ONE
3 HBV 96 ONE
4 HBsAg 96 ONE
5 HBsAg 96 ONE
6 HBsAb 96 ONE
7 HBeAg 96 ONE
8 HBeAb 96 ONE
9 HBcAb 96 ONE
10 HbcAb IgM 96 ONE
11 HCV 96 ONE
12 HIV1/2 96 ONE
13 Syphilis 96 ONE
Payment: TT
Lead time: 15 days
Certificate: GMP& ISO, CE.
A Sino-Us diagnostic manufacter in Beijing, China, World of Health Biotech Co.,Ltd currently sells over 100 diagnostic products for Pregnancy (hCG), Ovulation (LH), FSH, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAb, HBeAg, HBcAb, HCV, HIV 1/2, H pylori, Malaria, Strep A, Chlamydia, Syphilis, FOB, PSA, AFP, CEA, Cardiac Troponin I, Alcohol test, DOA and Urinalysis test strip.
Other products: Elisa test kits and Blood Grouping.