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General: CG-PI TPO is a highly efficient Free Radical Type I solid photoinitiator which is used to initiate the UV polymerization of tyrene-based unsaturated polyesters and acrylic resins. It is particularly suited to use in pigmented coatings,white paints and thick film layers requiring low yellowing and low odor.
Chemical Structure: Diphenyl (2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)-phosphine oxide
Molecular weight 348.37
CAS No.  75980-60-8
Physical Properties: Appearance:  Pale yellow crystal or power
Purity (%)≥99.0
Melting Point (℃): 91-94
Absorption (nm): 273,370
Applications: CG-PI TPO is a photoinitiator for curing styrene-based unsaturated
polyesters and acrylic resins. Its absorption in the long-wave region of the UV spectrum can fully cure even white paints and surfaces pigmented with TiO2. Such coatings are characterized by particularly low yellowing.CG-PI TPO can also be used to cure clear coatings and is particularly suitable when low-odor products are desired.
CG-PI TPO recommended concentration: 0.3-0.5% in clear coatings and 0.5-3.0% in pigmented coatings.
CG-PI TPO-L recommended applications:
 Screen Inks          White Coatings
Flexo Inks            Wood Coatings
Overprint Varnishes    Printing Plates