Product Main


Physical & Chemical Properties   
Appearance             light yellow powder
Tone                   fluorescent white
Active Ingredients        >=98%
Volatile Matter           <=0.5%
Fineness                >300mesh

Performance & Features

1.Of good fluorescence intensity and high brightness, especially goes for the brightness of PVC gusset plate, section steel and tube.
2.Of good thermal stability, and not decomposed even above 330degree centigrade

Application Scope

Goes for the whitening and brightening of such hard plastics as PVC, PS and ABS.

Usage Mode

1. The recommended quality is 0.01-0.03%( compared to the weight percentage of the plastic raw material) and needed to be ensured through experiment under special circumstances (for example, when the filling material proportion is high).
2. The quantity used in the PVC gusset plate requires only half the PF but with higher brightness.
3.      The above is the recommended quantity.

Packing & Storage

Packed in 5kg*4 paper tanks or 5kg*2 paper boxes at cool and dry places to be protected from light.


Physical & Chemical Properties
Appearance               yellow powder
          Tone                    blue white
          Volatile Matter            <=0.5%
          Fineness                 >200mesh
Performance & Features
1.                       Of good fluorescence intensity and high brightness, and is especially adequate for the whitening and brightening of the PVC cable material.
2.                       Good thermal stability and not decomposed even above 330degree centigrade

Application Scope

Goes to the whitening and brightening of such plastics as PVC granulation, PS, and ABS.

Usage Mode

1.                  The recommended quality is 0.01-0.05%( compared to the weight percentage of the plastic raw material) and needed to be ensured through experiment under special circumstances (for example, when the filling material proportion is high).
2.                  The quantity used in the PVC cable material equals to PF with higher brightness.
   DBH-1, DBH-2
Packing & Storage
     Packed in 5kg*2 paper boxes or 5kg*3 paper tanks at cool and dry places to be protected from light.
KEYWORDS:OBA,optical brightening,optical brightener,fluorescent whitening,fluorescent whitener,fluorescent brightener,fluorescent brightening,plastic chemical,plasitc additive,additive