Product Main


Our company have developed a new starch derivative for glass fiber starching, and it is perfect for glass fiber in warping, drawing and weaving.

The main characters:

1. High temperature resistant. As a main additive in sizing, it has good stability and won't pollute the yarn when it is heating.

2. Good make-film ability. Using the starch derivative as soak agency, it can form a smooth film on the yarn and the film has good mechanical strength and extensibility.

3. Proper viscosity. The viscosity of the sizing has good thermostability, flowability, evenly starching rate. It can strengthen the yarn and reduce the hairness. At the same time, it doesn't stick to the drum of a yarn dryer. And it can come into the interior of the yarn so as to improve the wear property.

4. Proper moisture absorbing ability. Instant in cold water.

5. Good compatibility with other ingredient in sizing.

6. Easy to desizing.


Different factories use the product according to their own technology or reference the same import product.