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Yaoxing Optical has maufactured custom gobos for more than 10 years.With over 12 years in the entertainment industry, we have provided our clients with the very best advice on their custom gobo needs and we ensure excellence very time. We have a fully equipped production facility using the latest techonlogy,pruducing a full range for custom black&white and multi-colors glass gobos, as well as custom metal gobos.

We achieve the highest output resolution available.Our production turn-round time can be as fast as two hours. We understand the entertainment and events industries and those "last minute" deadlines, which is why every element of our gobo production process is prepared in-house.Orders rceived by noon one day can be on the client's desk in Hongkong the next.

It's important that our price is very competitive.

Thinkg about gobos,then talk to us.