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Lacquer thread sculpture is a handcraft in China. The other name is lacquer line carvings. It is about three hundred years old.
Lacquer thread sculpture is a folk treasure of China. From the Ming dynasty.
Lacquer thread sculpture of arts and crafts began to show in the south of Fujian Province in China. In the forepart of Qing dynasty, It became matured and was very precious and nobleness   because of its sparsity. It was treasured up mainly by emperor, high officials and very rich merchants, as symbol of distinctive position and great riches.
Lacquer thread sculpture is purely produced by hand of masters and the facture is esoteric. Its working procedure have 13 at least.
The craftspersons let the lacquer thread sculptures synthetize the arts with the traditional arts and crafts, traditional materials and traditional arts.
Lacquer thread sculptures have many style,such as was made on the China red stonewares. Some are with different lacquer line colors and getting characters plates,bottles,furnaces,small screens to gain ability of making people full of beautiful things in eyes. The fine lacquered line through special facture entwining out many kinds of resplendent and magnificent images of characters and animals.
The main subjects are mainly made up of traditional folk theme,such as dragon,phenix,kylin,cloud and water,entwined branch Lotus.
Lacquer thread sculpture have made on the stonewares, such as the plates,bottles,furnaces and so on. Lacquer thread sculpture are not only as ornaments and arts, but also as gifts for state guests and as awards in the sports meets, diversified literature tournaments. Its face is ornamented with goldleaf of 98.9% purity. Each piece of works possesses great elegance, sobriety style, floridness of colour and lustre and magnificence of great pictures and glittering of gold. With great decorative effects, it bears very high appreciation and collection value.
Lacquer thread sculpture miraculously assembles the three major features of the ancient grace of Jingde town ceramics, the splendor of Beijing cloisonne and the verve of baseless lacquerwares combining the Chinese folk art, articles of tribute for emperors and high officials, which is a miracle in art and handcraft accross the nation.