Product Main


* How it works

Resistance heats a fluid with high thermic inertia that radiates warmth through aluminium quite similar we feel from sun. (Aluminium is the best material in dissipating heat after sliver). Heat discharges even when the appliance is switch off.

* Comfort: Excellent(+/-1. C)

1) Similar to central heating warmth similar to sun.

2) Surface temperature: Even temperature in the whole surface of the appliance. (60. C)

3) Thermic inertia: yes, because of aluminium and fluid whit thermic inertia. Power installed : 80-90W every one

* Advantages:

1) Excellent comfort-quite similar central heating and radiation. Warmth similar to sun.

2) Thermic inertia due to material. It provides longer lasting heat. Aluminium, is the best material in dissipating warmth after silver; fluid with high thermic inertia.

3) lowest and even temperature on the surface

4) Low consumption because of electronice programmable regulation