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At the backgroud of the heart disease, heart attack and heart shock become the No. 1 killer to the People, effectively prevention, correct diagnosis,timely treatment have been recognized to be very important by the cardiovascular experter. but after having  syptoms of chest discomfort, pain, palpitations and shortness breathing, it is too late for the patient go to the hospital for ECG detecting, because alll the syptoms disappeared when they reached. No doubt the heart rhythm detecting in the hospital is normal. It′s pity they would lost the right time for diagnosis.

MD 100B(homecare portable ECG monitor) is designed to sovle this problem. After feeling the discomfort, by putting  MD 100B in his hand 30 seconds,  heart rhythm and heart rate could be easily recorded in MD 100B. With the help of the heart rhythm stored and the equipment inspection in hospital later, the doctor could easily make the correct diagnosis.