Sol-Milennium Syringe Mould
Sol-Millennium Syringe Mould Group is the Top 1 Syringe mould Manufacturer in China, in the past 20 years, we are only specialized in manufacturing syringe moulds. We are also the major supplier of full hot runner stack mould, Safety syringe mould and Auto-Disable mould in the world wide.
Our Plastic Mould Group supplies following services to our customers
Syringe Research and development
Prototype moulds
Mould design
High Precision Mould manufacturing
Mould flow analysis
Repairs and modifications
Global service
Choose Sol-Millennium syringe mould you choose
Competitive prices
Innovative design solutions
Advanced technology
High precision mould
Fast cycle time mould
High productivity mould
Low-maintenance, High number of shots
Interchangeable Mould Components