Product Main


1. Fuel

 2. Organic solvents

 3. Chemicals

 4. Drinks

 5. Medical disinfectants

 6. Ben Pinke bacteria into the body, to a certain concentration of protein coagulation degeneration and can kill bacteria. The most appropriate for the sterilization of 75 percent, because the concentration of 75 percent of the cases, ethanol and bacterial cell of isotonic, distributed evenly to sterilization, and in high concentration (for example, 95 per cent), due to bacterial surface rapidly ethanol Dehydration, will form a protective film is not conducive to complete sterilization. Because they can not kill the spores and viruses, it can not be directly used for the disinfection of surgical instruments. 50 percent can be used to dilute alcohol prevention mattress Hou, 25 percent to 30 percent alcohol can dilute liniment for fever patients so that the temperature dropped.